Floor & Step Aerobics

It is an intense cardiovascular workout helps to burn calories and fat. It also has to reduce stress, promote restful sleep, strengthen your muscles and gives the body more stream line appearance.

Step aerobics is a form of aerobic power distinguished from other types of aerobic exercise by its use of an elevated platform (the step). The height can be tailored to individual needs by inserting risers under the step.

Step aerobics was innovated by Gin Miller around 1989. After a knee injury, Gin consulted with an orthopaedic doctor, who recommended she strengthen the muscles supporting the knee by stepping up and down on a milk crate and from this she developed the step regimen.

Step aerobics can also be involved in dancing games, such as Dance Dance Revolution or In the Groove.

Our Services :

•  Yoga
•  Floor & Step Aerobics
•  Immediate Weight Loss
•  Pranayama

•  Meditation
•  Power Yoga
•  Yoga Pilates
•  Facial Yoga
•  Diet counselling

•  Exercise for eyes and
•  Muscle toning exercise
•  Personal training
•  Yoga for pregnant lady