Facial Yoga

Facial Yoga is a fun, relaxing and enjoyable programme for everyday living, specifically designed to rejuvenate and tone the face and neck. Two sessions teaches you how to exercise neglected muscles, quite simply a natural facelift and once learnt takes about 10 minutes to do. It can be adapted to suit individual needs.

The face needs to be exercised and toned in the same way we exercise and tone our body. 

Facial Yoga is a positive and natural way of both maintaining and re-establishing the contours of the face. It helps to promote self-confidence, self-esteem and a sense of inner wellbeing and 'glow' from the inside. One feels lighter and more uplifted.

Benefits include 

  • Slowing down the aging process 
  • Tones the facial and neck muscles, releases tension, increases circulation to both areas
  • Improves complexion both in texture and colour, the face looks more relaxed but with firmer contours
  • Helps to diminish jowls, fill out hollow cheeks, reduce puffiness       around the eyes and eliminate double chins 
  • Releases tension and relaxes the upper part of the body, thus relieving headaches, stiff necks and general discomforts
  • Promotes self-confidence, self-esteem and a sense of inner wellbeing
  • One feels lighter and more uplifted
Our Services :

•  Yoga
•  Floor & Step Aerobics
•  Immediate Weight Loss
•  Pranayama

•  Meditation
•  Power Yoga
•  Yoga Pilates
•  Facial Yoga
•  Diet counselling

•  Exercise for eyes and
•  Muscle toning exercise
•  Personal training
•  Yoga for pregnant lady